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Really Interesting Objects CIC is a social enterprise committed to promoting the value of craft and developing a deeper understanding of the art form through creating innovative, exciting and imaginative new ways for people to experience, enjoy and engage with craft.


We often work cross art form, piloting experimental new concepts, and an element of our activity focuses on reaching groups under represented in arts attendance.


Our values are adventurousness, a pioneering spirit, innovation, creativity, originality, quality and artistic integrity underpinned with knowledge, experience, and a passion for objects and their stories.

RIO was founded by Tina Rose in 2009 and has established a track record for bringing together quality craft with innovative and unexpected approaches to engaging new audiences. 


We began with RIO, a free magazine about where to see and enjoy craft, now a website.  In 2011 we piloted Flashcraft, a series of short craft exhibition/performances, in partnership with Pittenweem Arts Festival, ACTiv Inquiry theatre, Blue Iris Films and a group of enthusiastic volunteers.   Our second Flashcraft event during the mystery tour at goNORTH 2013 was in partnership with Emergents, Wildbird arts company and drama students from Inverness College, and was considered a highlight of the festival.


In 2012 RIO received funding from Creative Scotland for the Big Craft Give-Away, which inspired people across Scotland to enjoy and experience craft and was nominated for a National Lottery Award in 2012 and 2013.


During 2015/16 RIO carried out a feasibility study funded by Creative Scotland for a Craft Biennale Scotland and ideas are being developed.  In 2019 RIO curated Renewal, an exhibition of international silver by the Hammerclub during their gathering in Dundee.  


RIO is currently carrying out a 2023 survey of traditional crafts makers in Scotland on behalf of TRACS, Creative Scotland, Craft Scotland and Museums Galleries Scotland. 

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